DIVA COMES OUT FIGHTING by Bissme S (The Sun: Wednesday, September 14, 2005) |
But within a day or two, the tide started turning as police investigating the incident failed to find corroborating evidence of the attack. Sharifah Aini, who was still hospitalised at that point, found herself being accused of fabricating the incident. Worse, stories began circulating that the singer had 'lost it' and was mentally ill. The press had a field day, trotting up a list of previous 'controversies' surrounding Sharifah Aini, and implying, among other things, that she was jealous of the success of the new generation of singers. A lesser person would have just slunk into the sidelines or gone into hiding after such a public humiliation. But not Sharifah Aini. No sir, she was not going to take things lying down. Now, nearly a year after the 'assault' incident, she has come out with a book in collaboration with body language expert Jackson Yogarajah. Entitled 'Breaking The Silence: 55 Reasons Why Sharifah Aini Was Not Lying', the book aims to, in her own words, 'set the record straight'. This book is divided into two sections. The first chronicles Sharifah Aini's life in her own words, detailing her past and answering questions about the controversies surrounding her in recent times. The second section reveals Jackson's findings about the mysterious attack on the singer and his own tips for detecting lies and untruths. There are plans to translate the book into Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese.
The Sun: What is the aim of the book? Datuk Sharifah Aini: I felt it was time I spoke up and gave my side of the story as there have been too much speculation and conclusions drawn that have not done me any good. Maintaining a dignified silence is no longer an option because I am being portrayed as the villain; this has not only affected me but also my children's peace of mind. I have been to hell and back as a result of malicious writings spread on the Internet and now it is time that I correct all these misconceptions by telling my side of the story so that the public can form their own conclusions. The Sun: What if the public still refuse to believe your side of the story? Datuk Sharifah Aini: I shouldn't worry about that. I just want to tell my side of the story. I am not being defensive. I am not asking anyone to believe me. It is their choice to believe what they want to believe. The Sun: What is the status of your Oct 14, 2004 assault case, where you claimed two men beat you up? Datuk Sharifah Aini: The police say the case is closed and even hinted that I have mental problems, adding that I should be referred to a psychiatrist. I am surprised at how the authorities came up with the mental instability theory. Where did all this come from? I want to get to the bottom of it. The Sun: What if the public still refuse to believe your side of the story? The Sun: Aren't you afraid of legal repercussions? Datuk Sharifah Aini: I am not afraid of anything. I am just repeating what has been said in the newspapers about my assault. I had my own lawyers look into the book (to see to the legal aspects). It is important to stress that I have nothing against the police force. Indeed, I have a high regard for them. I am only having problems with two officers. I am not attacking anyone ... it is all facts. I am looking for justice. Why am I being punished? Why suggest that I should be sent to a mental institution? But I am not going to play the victim. I am mentally stable - in the book, a psychiatrist comes to the same conclusion. The Sun: Will this create more enemies for you? Datuk Sharifah Aini: Even without this book, I already have enemies. I believe somebody up there is looking after me. I was made to believe by authorities that I was mentally unwell. All I want is justice for myself. I am not being difficult ... I think I am a voice for the young artistes ... for the next generation of artistes. Someone has to speak up and unfortunately it has to be me. 10 REASONS TO READ SHARIFAH AINI'S BOOK This book provides 55 reasons why Sharifah Aini was not lying about the incident that took place on Oct 14 last year. Here,the Sun gives you 10 reasons to read 'Breaking The Silence: 55 Reasons Why Sharifah Aini Was Not Lying', which is published by Sales Excellence Training Sdn Bhd (RM99)
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